Monday, January 25, 2010


ok so this wkd just sucked i ate to much, took pills, and i cut and to top it all off i purged today wow what a good start to the week. im currently dizzy and watching oth :) love oth so much

this morning i had:
* 3/4 cup bran flakes- 90 cals
* banana- 100 cals
*choc 100 cals

thats i kept in. and i was gonna go to the gym this morning but it was raining so much like down pouring and the roads were bad so i didnt get to go so ugh.

ok here is what i purged not even gonna add up the cals
* tositos and salsa
* 3 choc covered cherries
* chicken tenders
* fries

so yup i got it all out i popped blood vessels on my face and above my eyes. i also have this like 1 ince purple spots on my neck and chin and one on my face. idk that they arei know they showed up after i purged but they dont look like popped blood vessesl

s far ive had 8 bottles of water gratned 2 of those were purged up so ima make sure i drink at least 2 more b4 i go to bed.

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