Monday, November 1, 2010

new plan

so i came up with a new plan if i will stick to it and for how long is idk up in the air u guys know me i am always all over the place bu ti need to break this purge cycle cause i look like shit i look in the mirror and just hate myself so no more purging i need to get back to my root smy go too my anorexia
now i gotta becareufl cause of my heart and shit so i cant outright starve no matter how much i want to but o well i will do what i can

so plan

*non dairy fruit smoothie or just a fruit bowl

*soup and small salad

*pretzels or animal crackers or jello idk but a small snack

*half a bag of veggies and either some carb or protein like baked potato, fries, veggie burger chicken, rice u guys know what i mean
*if i dont feel like having ne of that i will just have hole bag of veggies

snack b4 bed if needed

*water of course
*tea every morning
*i can have 1 cup of hot choc sometime during the day
but i always have to b dirnking something i i hate the water belly feeling but id i dont dirnk i will forget to drink so

*ima get back to doing crunches every nite again my stomach looks like shit and i need to change that
*gym- going to go as much as i can workout wise it depends on how my chest feels like i use to just do elly for an hour or 2 but i cant now it hurts my chest and heart and it feels like my stomach just keeps dropping. today i did 35 on elly 35 on bike and that worked well sorta i still felt like shit but i got workout in if i feel really bad i will just walk on treadmill

so yeah thats the plan i need tolose weight im fat and gross and just ew i cant b a fat ass mess nemore its time to get backon track stop the purging and get to double digits

lvoe u all


  1. sounds like a good plan, and i know you'll do great!

  2. Oh my gosh, me too. I'm sick of purging. That plan sounds amazing. I'm gonna formulate my own. :)

  3. Great post! Thanks for sharing all of that. You've got a good intake planned as well.
    I'm glad you're trying to stop purging! I'm so proud of you, beautiful.

  4. Plan sounds awesome--good luck!!

  5. I'm glad you're trying to stop purging :D stay strong, love youuuu.

  6. thanx guys
    but i fail alot just to let ya know

  7. Love then new plan :) I never stick to plans so I just try to eat least possible (fail all the time :(
    You're really strong and I know you'll do well with it!
