Sunday, September 12, 2010

Interview Outfit Advice

ok i need ur seom advice from the best ppl ever i know u guys will b honest with me and thas what i need right. i have ajob interview tomm and i dont have many dressy clothes im more of a jeans tshirt kind of a person but i found this dress and i just wanted to know what u guys think. i have differnt options for it just were it plain like the first one, wear the grey shaw thing in the second on wear the brown jacket and take it off when i get there like in the third. so what do u guys think and b honest i fu dont like it at all i will try and find soemthing else to wear.

i know ima have a hard time hiding all my scars and i wont b able to hid them all but ima wear my beaded elastic bracelets i made and alwasy wear on my right wrist that will hide the bad ones at least hopefully they wont notice the other ones my rigth insdie arm isjust covered in scars so ew.


The same dress with a grey cardiagn shaw thingy

Same Dress with a brown jacket


  1. I think the shawl thingy is cutest ;-)

    and you are one cute skinny mini!

  2. I agree, I think the shawl is the cutest, but are the leggings attached to the dress? I think it might be cuter without them =)

    Good luck on your interview!
    <3, Issyla

  3. I'm loving the shawl too! Good luck on the interview! I'm sure you'll do great!

  4. I like it with the shawl!! You're so tiny I really am jealouss. Good luck with the interview hun!! xoxo <3

  5. Yep, go with the shawl. It's looking good. Good luck! I'm sure you'll be amazing. <3

  6. I like the cardigan shawl thing as well. You could even dress it up a little more and put a belt around the whole outfit. That way the shawl will be belted in place so you don't have to worry so much about adjusting.
    Good luck on your interview!

  7. thanx guys i went wit outfit nubmer 2 exactly how it was im not much for u know accesreing
    but i wrote how my intervew went
